Introducing NeuroDesigner's first Element- NeuroDesigner Earth
NeuroDesigner Earth or just Earth (She is casual that way) has rich, nurturing abilities and she is here solely to make your clinical experiences easier and more pleasurable. Her graphics will never be empty eye candy, instead her graphics are simple, clear and most importantly, clinically informative. Earth delights in collecting information, providing analytics, and reporting data collected in order to build and track your neurofeedback protocols.
NeuroDesigner Earth isn't ashamed to admit that she is a bit OCD. Because of this she enjoys (and has the expertise) to organize your protocols individually by clinical Subject (aka client/patient). She is quite motivated to integrate data collected and variables from multiple sources (i.e. HRV, temperature, Impedance etc) during any given session. She loves that she can enable you to have multiple files or reports generated from the same EEG recording.
Earth is additionally quite proud that she has implemented a portal to import NeuroGuide or BrainMaster Brain Avatar data. For example: she postulates that you might examine LORETA, sLORETA or compare different z-score databases. Additionally, She wants you to know that single or multiple recordings may be viewed and compared and contrasted. From there she can create Progress reports that include multiple recordings belonging to the same clinical subject or even different clinical subjects!
Earth is really excited to let you know that in the near future she will be adding many additional data sources. Earth is completely aware that adding multiple data sources gives you the opportunity to examine your recordings from different viewpoints, thus, getting this to you as fast as Phil's brain can create the code is a priority for her!
But wait there's more!!! NeuroDesigner Earth- while a dynamic stand alone application in her own right - is all full of herself, because she is the core foundation required for NeuroDesigner's future applications of Fire, Water and Wind, who can not exist without her (Not that they'd want to anyway, geesh!).